Friday, April 2, 2010

Superfoods Formula - 8 Key Components For a Healthier Mind and Body

By Billy Merritt

Health magazines and fitness gurus alike promote the importance of eating right. One of the most highly-concentrated forms of health food is the class of foods known as "superfoods." Ranging from fruits to plants to algae, a superfood is any product that has a high concentration of phytonutrients. Phytonutrients are plant-derived compounds that are known for their health-promoting benefits by researches and health food companies.

Examples of some of the most popular and readily-attainable superfoods include cacao (raw chocolate), blueberries, aloe vera, bee pollen, alfalfa sprouts, blackcurrants, avocado, and dark leafy greens. With all of these choices, how does one choose the best superfoods formula?

It is important that any superfoods formula contains a generous combination of the best superfoods available. Variety is important, since the right combination of foods can together fulfill an impressive range of the body's nutrition needs. At the same time, if the goal is to consume the foods together in a convenient, easy-to-prepare manner, a comprehensive formula is best.

Here are 8 key superfoods formula components for a healthier mind and body:

1. Greens: People often associate the word "greens" with vegetable products like spinach. However, several algae products are also known as greens because they contain large amounts of chlorophyll. These are spirulina, algae, chlorella. Algae products are typically grown in natural lakes. They thrive on sunlight and moisture, and when grown properly they become extremely nutritious foods.

Together, spirulina, blue-green algae and chlorophyll offer a rich range of health benefits, including large amounts of protein, phenylethylamine for the brain and nerves, and beta-carotene for eye and bone health. They also serve as important detoxifiers for the body and help rebuild tissues.

2. Herbs: Any trip to independent or chain health food stores will reveal a plethora of herbs available on the market. Herbs like stinging nettle and aloe vera are an excellent choice for inclusion in your superfood formula because they exhibit anti-inflammatory and adrenal-enhancing properties. Herbs are also soluble and mix up well in shakes and juice drinks.

3. Antioxidants: Antioxidants protect the body against free radicals, which are defined as any molecule that has a single unpaired electron in an outer shell. When these come into contact with healthy tissues such as skin and internal organs, they are believed to contribute toward aging. Suggestions for any strong health food formula with antioxidant properties are goji berries and mangosteen extract.

4. Sea vegetables: The ocean offers human a bounty of healthy foods, including fish-based products. But, a less well-known source of the ocean's nutrition are the sea vegetables, examples of which are Icelandic kelp and Nova Scotia dulse. They are packed with essential minerals needed by the body.

5. Essential fatty acids: Essential fatty acids include linoleic acid and alpha-linolinic acid. These are called essential because the body cannot produce them internally and they must be consumed directly. The term "fatty acids" may initially sound unhealthy due to health enthusiasts' aversion to anything with the word fat in it. On the contrary, however, fatty acids are an important factor in bolstering the immune system and in blood pressure regulation. A healthy intake of essential fatty acids can contribute toward cholesterol reduction and mitigate the risk of heart disease.

6. Probiotics: Probiotics are dietary supplements containing potentially-beneficial bacteria or yeasts. They are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confer a health benefit on the host. Probiotics bacterial cultures assist the body's naturally-present gut flora to re-establish themselves. In terms of health benefits, probiotics contain immune system-building bacteria that ward off harmful bacteria.

7. Energetic enhancement: Some of the body's most important nutrients require catalysts in order to bring them to their most beneficial best. These energetic enhancement products, such as cayenne pepper and Himalayan salt crystals, act as catalysts in enhancing the digestion and absorption into the body of many of the other nutrients found in your formula.

8. Enzymes: Finally, enzymes are proteins such as protease, amylase, lipase should be included in any respectable superfoods formula. Enzymes work by lowering the activation energy needed for a given reaction (such as digestion of a nutrient in the body), often increasing the reaction rates of common processes by millions of times. In terms of health benefits, enzymes act as cleansers that eliminate toxins that exist at the cellular level.

The superfoods formula you choose should have a healthy combination of nutrients from multiple sources, including algae, herbs, antioxidants, sea vegetables, essential fatty acids, probiotics, energetic enhancement, and enzymes. When you strike the right balance, you will have access to the kind of nutrition in one meal that can put you on the right path for the entire day.

Billy's Greens offers some of the best-tasting, healthiest superfood products anywhere, with ingredients sourced from the most nutrient-rich locations around the world. You can order right online at:

Article Source: [] Superfoods Formula - 8 Key Components For a Healthier Mind and Body

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